NJ: Yoga Class Begins!

Dec 31, 2018   Written By HWIS

In the Classroom

IMG_0219Yesterday students at our NJ campus attended the first day of our Yoga for kids program. The class, which takes place every other week, is an important part of our Physical Education curriculum. The children enjoyed the relaxing atmosphere as they learned the basics of Yoga.

Mrs. Christine, a Yoga instructor and HWIS parent, led the introductory class. Christine has been teaching Yoga since 1998 at health clubs, yoga studios, the YMCA as well as corporate settings. She received her certification and training through Integral Yoga Institute in New York City.

Kids Yoga taps the enthusiasm of children by combining energetic Yoga poses with self-expression using storytelling, music, and art. Yoga sequences develop strength, coordination and body awareness while balancing poses help build confidence. Children are introduced to basic ideas about the skeletal, muscular, respiratory, circulatory, digestive and nervous systems of the body and how each contribute to help the body work as a whole.

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